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Convert Transactions to Interest Installments from 0% and enjoy a Tenor of up to 24 months

Convert your Transactions into Installments Interest rate starting from 0% and tenor of up to 24 months

Shop more pay less with BRI Credit Card and the BRING Program 


Online or offline transactions through any merchant's EDC can be converted into installments.

More benefits, lower installments.


It’s easy. Contact 14017 or 1500017, name the date and amount of the transaction you wish to convert it installment, and select the installment toner.


Bank BRI Installment Requirements:

  1. The program applies to all BRI Credit Cardholders (except Corporate Cards)

  2. Conversion application process takes up to 7 calendar day after the date of transaction 
  3. Make sure you have not applied for installment conversion throuht other BRI channels (e.g. SMS, Email or online marchants)
  4. Minimum transaction of Rp 1,000,000,- for conversion

  5. Online and offline retail transaction throught the merchant's EDC

  6. Application for the program can only be done by a Primary Cardholders (basic)

  7. Bank BRI has the right to cancel or postpone any application if the Credit Cardholders does not meet the trem & conditions of the program or is deemed unqualified

  8. The fee charged for the installment application is as follows:



Early Repayment 

  1. Cardholders can make an early repayment on the istallments before due 
  2. You can apply for early repayment through  BRI Contact at 14017/1500017
  3. Upon early repayment, the Cardholders are required to pay the remaining installments + the remaining interest + penalty in full 

  4. if the Cardholder is in arrears> 2 months in a row, the installment process can be cancelled by the Bank and the remaining installments will be charged in full + interest on installments that have not been billed 

  5. Upon the early repayment, Cardholders will be chargerd 1% penalty



  1. Bank BRI has the right to terminate the program and change the terms and conditions at any time
  2. Be careful of parties acting in the name of BRI Bank, keep your password, OTP and credit card data confidential.

January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019



BRING installments - 0% interest - Tenure of up to 24 months



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