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Form Aplikasi Kartu Kredit BRI (Unduhan)

BRI Credit Card Application Form (Download)

Dear Valued Customers,

if you live outside Jabodetabek and connot apply for credit card online, you can download the application form for BRI Credit Card and apply at the nearest BRI Branch Office.

To apply, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the application form
  2. Print the application form
  3. Fill out and sign the application form 
  4. Attach a copy of your identification document (ID/Passport) and income statement (payslip, account mutation for the last 3 months, or other requirements)
  5. Visit the nearest BRI Branch Office or send the form via Mail to:
    BRI Card Center, Graha Atrium Komplek Ruko Blok C No. 9-12
    Jalan Raya Senen No. 123,
    Jakarta Pusat 10410
