Kredit Usaha Mikro Banner


Requirements Calon Debitur

Requirements for Prospective Debtors

KUR Mikro Bank BRI

  1. Individuals (persons) with productive and viable businesses
  2. An active bussiness in the last 6 months
  3. No other ongoing loan except for consumer loans such as Home Ownership Loan (KPR), Vehicle Loan (KKB), and Credit Cards
  4. Administrative requirements: ID Card, Family Card (KK), and business license

Retail KUR Bank BRI

  1. A productive and viable business
  2. No other ongoing loan except for consumer loans such as Home Ownership Loan (KPR), Vehicle Loan (KKB), and Credit Cards
  3. An active business in the last 6 months
  4. Having a Small and Micro Enterprises License (IUMK) or other similar business licenses

Kredit Requirements

Loan Requirements

KUR Mikro Bank BRI

  1. Maximum loan of Rp 50 million perdebtor
  2. Loan types:
    • - Working Capital Loan (KMK) with a maximum term of 3 (three) years
    • - Investment Loan (KI) with a maximum term of 5 (five) years
  3. Effective interest rate of 6% per year
  4. No provision fee and administration fee

KUR Retail Bank BR

  1. Loan of Rp 50 – Rp 500 million
  2. Loan types:
    • - Working Capital Loan (KMK) with a maximum term of 3 (three) years
    • - Investment Credit (KI) with a maximum term of 5 (five) years
  3. Effective interest rate of 6% per year
  4. Collateral per the bank’s regulation

BRI Menanam

BRI Menanam
Implementasi ESG BRI melalui penanaman tanaman produktif sebagai upaya absorbsi emisi karbon di aspek lingkungan dan pengembangan komunitas di aspek sosial. "BRI Menanam" diharapkan menjadi program penggerak ekonomi lokal sebagai wujud kolaborasi antara BRI dengan masyarakat.
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