Benefits of BritAma Rencana Plan A

Higher Interest Rate
Higher interest rate than general savings account.

Monthly Deposits
Flexible monthly deposits at a minimum of Rp. 100,000,- and maximum of Rp. 5,000,000,- (Rp. 50,000,- increment). Balance top-up can be ...Read more

Saving Terms
Savings term of your choice (1-20 years).

Asuransi Jiwa
Manfaat asuransi jiwa hingga Rp. 1 Milyar.

Medical Check-Up
No medical check-up required.

No Administration Fee
No administration fee.

Account Statement
Account statement will be delivered via email (e-statement).
Benefits of BritAma Rencana Plan B

Higher Interest Rate
Higher interest rate than general savings account.

Monthly Deposits
Flexible monthly deposits at a minimum of Rp. 100,000,- and maximum of Rp. 5,000,000,- (Rp. 50,000,- increment). Balance top-up can be ...Read more

Savings Term
Savings term of your choice (1-20 years).

Medical Check-Up
No medical check-up required.

No Administration Fee
No administration fee.

Account Statement
Account statement will be delivered via email (e-statement).
Pembukaan BritAma Rencana via BRImo
Tata Cara BritAma Rencana via BRImo
1. Login BRImo dan Pilih menu “Semua Rekeningmu”
2. Pilih menu “+ Buka Rekening Baru”
3. Pilih Produk Tabungan BritAma Rencana
4. Muncul Syarat & Ketentuan
5. Masukkan Rencana Tabungan (Jangka Waktu, Nominal, dan Tanggal Auto Debet)
6. Konfirmasi dan Checklist Syarat & Ketentuan
7. Pembukaan Rekening Berhasil

Terms & Conditions
- The above calculation does not include interest tax.
- Interest rates may change at any time following applicable terms.
- This simulation is an illustration of the calculation of Term Stages, the actual calculation follows the calculation in the BRI system.
Value must be greater than 0.
Value must be greater than 0.
Requirements Britama Rencana Plan A
What you need to open a BritAma Rencana Plan A savings account

You have to be between 17 and 64 years old

You must have a BRI BritAma/BritAma Bisnis Savings account/Giro

Application Form
Fill out the application form to open an account

Personal Identity
1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI): ID Card (KTP)
2. Foreign Citizen (WNA): Passport and Residence Permit/Permanent Stay Permit Card/Te ...Read more
Requirements Britama Rencana Plan B
What you need to open a BritAma Rencana Plan B savings account

You have to be between 17 and 64 years old

You must have a BRI BritAma/BritAma Bisnis Savings account/Giro

Application Form
Fill out the application form to open an account

Personal Identity
1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI): ID Card (KTP)
2. Foreign Citizen (WNA): Passport and Residence Permit/Permanent Stay Permit Card/Te ...Read more