Kartu BRI Junio
BRI Junio card with various design, equipped with a chip to support card security
What you need to open a BritAma Junio savings account

Customer Age 0 to 12
- BRI BritAma/Simpedes savings account for the parents. Open a BRI savings account for the parents if you don’t have one.
- Fill out the application form to open an account
- Family Card/Birth Certificate
- Initial deposit of Rp. 100,000,-
- Copy of NPWP
- AFT from the Parent’s account

Customer Age > 12 to 17
- Fill out the application form to open an account
- Personal Identity
Indonesian Citizen (WNI): Student’s ID Card - Initial deposit of Rp. 150,000,-
- Open an account with a Student’s ID Card with a copy of the Parents’ ID and a Statement Letter from the Parents