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1.    CERIA is a card-less installment product to finance e-commerce and online travel site transactions that is managed by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

2.    CERIA is an Online Loan product that is different from Online Loans offered by Financial Technology (Fintech) companies as it is fully managed by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a Financial Institution that is registered in and strictly supervised by the Financial Service Authority (OJK). In that matter, customers’ data security will be better monitored and ensured.

3.    Prospective CERIA application users can apply to receive CERIA credit limit only if they have a payroll account in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

4.    All credit limit application process is done online through CERIA application which can be downloaded via Play Store.

5.    Submitting a credit limit application through CERIA will require user’s citizenship data and loan and/or financial history, as well as an electronic signature to complete the process.

6.    By agreeing to submit a credit limit application through CERIA, the user also agrees to give access to PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk to obtain, store, manage and/or use the user’s citizenship data, financial history, loan history, and other data submitted via CERIA (selfie, personal data, family data, and financial data) for the purposes of processing and managing applied and approved loans.

7.    The user understands and agrees that in the event of arrears or defaults on an approved loan, the user understands and approves all efforts required by the Bank to settle the billing, including in this case the use of a third party source, which is done in accordance with the Bank's internal provisions and in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

8.    The user is fully responsible for their use of CERIA application; thus, the user is aware and responsible to maintain the confidentiality of information related to the user’s personal data, PIN, Security Code, and/or other private data related to the user’s access to CERIA application and will not negligently or intentionally inform and/or disclose the information to other parties, including in this case officers or employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

9.    The user must carefully and deliberately read the disclaimer, terms and conditions, and privacy policy of CERIA application before deciding to apply for a credit limit through CERIA.