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Oto Proteksi Maxima Detail Structure

Product Details


A product that provides protection or coverage for losses/damages/losses to motor vehicles, caused by risks covered by Motor Vehicle Insurance policies.


The type of vehicle for the prospective insured, ranging from non-truck four-wheeled vehicles (sedans, SUVs, minibusses, and similar), The sum insured for the motor vehicle being insured is the market value of the vehicle of the same make and model at the time of insurance coverage.

Covered Risks

This coverage only guarantees losses and/or damages to Motor Vehicles and/or insured interests directly caused by collisions, impacts, overturning, skidding, or sinking as well as malicious acts and theft, as well as other risks covered in the policy. The details of the covered risks are listed in the Oto Proteksi Maxima package table.

Insurance Period

The insurance policy is valid for 1 (one) year and can be renewed annually.